COVID-19: Another 30 test positive in Plateau

• Government threatens another total lockdown
By Kim Musa Ndoh
As another 30 tested positive of coronavirus in Plateau State, there are strong indications that Plateau State Government might declare another total lockdown following non-adherence to guidelines for COVID-19 by individuals and organisations in the state.
It would be recalled that the state government recently lifted the lockdown with a stern warning that it will not hesitate to lock the state if citizens of the state failed to comply with the laid rules to prevent the spread of the pandemic.
Also, the state government over the weekend frowned at the flagrant disregard for the compulsory use of face masks by all citizens outside their homes adding that there was high disregard to social distancing requirement in public places such as markets, shops, hotels, social centres, restaurants, public transport and some places of worship.
Speaking with Tribune Online, the State Commissioner of Information and Communication, Mr Daniel Majang, who disclosed that another 30 persons tested positive for COVID-19 as at Monday added the state government is quite disturbed by a recent increase due to non-adherence to the guidelines spelt out to prevent the spread of the disease.
“The State Government is quite disturbed by the sudden increase of COVID-19, just yesterday we have 31 people that tested positive and we also have another 400 samples at the testing centre in National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI) Vom Plateau State. So we don’t know how many will be positive by tomorrow.
“If this continues the government will have no choice than to take appropriate measures that would compel people to adhere to the guidelines. The citizens of the state have no choice than to comply, the government has the capacity to make people comply. This is people-oriented government, they should not test the will of the government. They should not drag the government to the point that it will force them to comply,” he said.
The Commissioner added that the altitude of the people might force the state government to take action or contemplate locking down the state again.
Majang said quite a lot of people have chosen to ignore the provision of water, soap and sanitisers in entrances to such public places thereby constituting a greater risk to the citizens. In addition, some people have also organised large gatherings and social gatherings in contravention of the directive of the governor.