Covid-19: Plateau Promises to Commence Palliative Measures Soon

By Kim Musa Ndoh

The Plateau State Government has appealed to its citizens to be patient as it is doing more to commence palliative measures in earnest to alleviate their suffering, adding that it is aware of the people’s anxiety over lack of palliatives to them.

The state Deputy Governor and Chairman, State Palliative committee on COVID-19, Prof. Sonni Tyoden, disclosed this Wednesday when it received some palliative items donated to the state by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon Idris Maje.

Tyoden said: “We are aware of your anxiety over lack of palliatives. In a few days, the exercise will begin in earnest.

“Government is aware that you have been on lockdown for over three weeks. We thank you for your compliance. No government is happy to see its citizens suffer, but the times have called for such measures.”

The deputy governor, who said government was elated at the donation because it was one of the best that have been donated to the state, added that Maje became the second lawmaker after Senator Hezekiah Dimka from the National Assembly to extend such gesture to the state government.

“It shows that Hon. Maje has his people at heart even though he is in Abuja,” he said.

Earlier, Maje, who was represented by his Senior Legislative Aid, Alhaji Musa Abdullahi Nyalon, noted that the Deputy Speaker was aware of the suffering of the citizens of the state due to the impact of Covid-19 on the socioeconomic wellbeing of the state, and has been concerned that the people need assistance.

He said that Maje, who is also the Deputy Speaker of African Parliament, has encouraged Nigerians to be strong, assuring them that Plateau State and the nation will come out of the pandemic stronger.

The items donated by the lawmaker included 600 bags of rice, 500 cartons of Maggi cubes, 500 cartons of Golden Penny spaghetti, 500 bags of refined and iodized salt, and 2,000 tubers of yam.