COVID-19: Plateau to resume lockdown midnight Sunday

Kim Musa Ndoh, Jos

Plateau State Commissioner for Information and Communication Mr Dan Manjang has announced that the state will resume a total lockdown from midnight Sunday despite the Sallah public holiday.

He said the presidential order on curfew between 8 pm to 6 am daily is still in place and said security agencies have been directed to enforce the restriction.

Mr Manjang in a press statement issued on Sunday said Governor Simon Lalong had pronounced in his address that the lockdown will resume on midnight of every Sunday until further review.

The statement said:

‘In his address of 17th May 2020 to the citizens of Plateau State on the update of the total lockdown over COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Rt Hon (Dr) Simon Bako Lalong reviewed some of the guidelines.’

He said notably among these are the fact that the lockdown will resume from midnight of every Sunday and be relaxed on Wednesdays 12 midnight.

‘This will henceforth be the pattern until further review. In other words, the total lockdown is relaxed on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; while Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays remain totally lockdown

‘It is pertinent to remind citizens of Plateau State that the total lockdown resumes at midnight of Sunday 24th May 2020 till midnight of Wednesday 27th May 2020 irrespective of the Public Holidays declared by the Federal Government as a result of the Sallah celebrations.’

He said everything citizen of the state is enjoined to remain indoor except those on essential services as violators will be prosecuted.

‘In like manner, the public is hereby reminded that the curfew imposed by the President and Commander In Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR between the hours of 8.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. is still in force.’

Mr Manjang noted that anybody who is found without wearing a face mask would be arrested, prosecuted and sanction appropriately.

He said members of the State Executive Council, Heads of Agencies and Parastatals and other Senior Civil Servants have been deployed to various points to ensure total compliance.

‘Inter-local government borders remain closed while entry and exit routes into the State remain shut to all persons except those so exempted.

‘To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Let us continue to work together to contain the spread of the coronavirus in Plateau State and save lives.’

Mr Manjang rejoiced with the Muslims Ummah on the celebration of Eid Mubarak and urged citizen to always ‘think Plateau and act Plateau’.