Plateau Assembly members donate 50 per cent May salary to fight coronavirus

By Kim Musa Ndoh

Members of the Plateau State House of Assembly have promised to donate half of their May salary to the Plateau State COVID-19 Trust Fund.

Declaring the resolution at plenary,  the Speaker, Hon. Abok Ayuba, said the decision was meant to help the vulnerable in the state, especially in this period that people have been asked to remain at home.

“Members unanimously agreed to donate half of their May salary to the Plateau State COVID-19 account in support of the state government’s effort to cushion the difficulty faced by the people as a result of the lockdown.’’

While briefing journalists shortly after the plenary, the Chairman, House Committee on Information, Philip Dasun, said the gesture was part of the members’ commitment to serve the state.

“The house noted with sincerity the high level of patience and resilience demonstrated by Plateau people by staying at home during the lockdown and keeping to the rules. We call on the committee to expedite action on distributing the palliatives to cushion the hunger faced by the citizens,” he said.